Monday 23 June 2008

Psychedelic meets philharmonia

When New Zealand's most psychedelic band joins forces with the Auckland Philharmonia for a concert in July, it might pay to buckle-up. Little Bushman and the APO will perform songs from the band's two albums, The Onus of Sand and Pendulum, which have been specially arranged by composer John Psathas, the man who did the music for the opening ceremony of the Athens Olympics in 2004. The concert has been in the planning for more than a year and Little Bushman leader Warren Maxwell is excited to hear the final result."I'm looking forward to hearing how he [Psathas] intends to explode our songs and feed them out to the different sections of the orchestra," he says.Little Bushman meets the APO is at 8pm on July 13, at the Auckland Town Hall.